Little Blue Run CCR Impoundment
Little Blue Run CCR Impoundment
Beaver County, PA and Hancock County, WV
IDA, through a wholly owned subsidiary, acquired LBR pursuant to a liability assumption agreement with Energy Harbor Generation LLC (EHG) (formerly FirstEnergy Generation, LLC). The transaction required IDA to take over ownership of and responsibility for completing the closure of this facility while assuming all environmental liabilities associated with the facility.
LBR is located in Beaver County, Pennsylvania and Hancock County, West Virginia and was used for the disposal of coal combustion residuals (CCR). The impoundment has a permitted disposal area of 970-acres with approximately 940-acres used. The impoundment is formed behind a 400-foot-high earth and rock fill dam that was constructed in the early 1970s for the disposal of CCR from the coal-fired Bruce Mansfield Generating Station and was used from 1975 through 2016. LBR is operated pursuant to a Solid Waste Permit issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP). The LBR impoundment dams are permitted under PADEP issued permits. CCR from the Bruce Mansfield Generating Station were treated with lime and calcilox and pumped through a 7-mile-long pipeline to the LBR facility. CCR solids settled and were retained in the impoundment. Permitted discharge flows to a stilling basin below the dam and through a pipe directly to the Ohio River under a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit.
The LBR facility has a total permitted area of approximately 1700-acres, a total CCR permitted disposal capacity of 135-million cubic yards, and there are currently approximately 128-million cubic yards of CCR disposed in the impoundment. Closure of the LBR CCR disposal area began in 2015, and as of the end of the 2023 construction season, there has been a total of 650-acres of cap installed over the impoundment, with approximately 286-acres of cap that remains to be installed to complete closure of the CCR disposed within LBR. The Solid Waste Permit requires that closure construction be completed on or before December 31, 2028.